Monday, July 30, 2007

It's been some time!

Yes, it's been some time since my last post. You would have thought we'd have been there an back. Well, plans of mice and men, often go awry, or so they say.

For one, Terry had a difficulty or two with his eyes. Fortunately, after seeing a specialist, a top man in his field, Terry's eyes are back to normal.

Rather than two month as originally planned, we'll leave on September 1 and return on the 19th.

Here's the route (hopefully, just clink on the link and there you go .. we'll ride about 4,000 miles, though the northeast US, seeking out the Amish, riding over covered bridges, through Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. It would be nice to have great weather and not this rotisserie we've been enjoying in South Florida.

Thanks for your interest and expect more content relatively soon.

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