Terry and I followed Chuck and Lily, in their Suburban, to their delightful home in Topsfield. Both Chuck and Lily are masters at growing things and each time I visit, I’m impressed anew with the garden. This time .. grapes, no less. Notice the veggies, the sun flowers, the peach tree (in the front yard .. Lily picked three which were delicious).
I delight in the stories about the deer who stop by for a nosh and what you have to do to discourage such behavior. I’d be more worried about the neighbors.
Chuck invited Lou, his very good friend and neighbor to stop by and say hello. There are people who you meet for the very first time and you know instantly that you could be the very best of friends. Lou is just such a guy. Thanks Chuck, for inviting Lou over. Lou, next time you ride the Keys, you had better call and invite Terry and/or myself to ride with you.
I inclued two pictures painted by my Uncle Ed, Chuck's dad. He was quite the talent, in many ways. We all dearly miss him.
If I had to use one word to describe Chuck and Lily’s abode .. it would be idealic. That Chuck & Lily would host us was far more then we could have expected. To repay their kindness, I have decided to allow Chuck and Lily to adopt me. I’m waiting by the phone so please .. don’t wait too long. There are others who would be delighted with just such a priviledge.
There will come a day when you’ll visit Florida and you can stay at no other place then mi casa. Terry and I thank you both.
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